This week's style tip is: be you no matter what. A little more than a year ago I got a bob even when all of my friends told me not to get rid of my long hair. While the stylist was cutting my hair I wasn't sure I made the right decision. However, when she was done I knew I had done the right thing by not listening to my friends. Some of them ended up liking it and others didn't, but I was in love with my new hair and felt absolutely beautiful. It was a great, fun change, and now I'm growing it out again.
If you're considering a style change, discuss it with your hairdresser. My advice? Do it! That color didn't end up looking so good? You can re-dye it. Do you regret cutting it? It will eventually grow back. It's better to try a change than spend all your time wishing you had done it.
xoxo Fortuosity Girl